

Faith and Encounter Centre Zambia

A Catholic Resource Centre
for Faiths and Cultures in Zambia

Ushikala pa nsaka takula mu mano:
Common Bemba proverbs to understand the art of living

by Francis Carey and FENZA publication team

Buy a copy from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/9982181297

List price: 18.00 US$

Price at Fenza: 200 Kwacha

A collection of a 1750 Bemba proverbs. An invaluable source for teachers, preachers, and everybody who loves Icibemba.

director@fenza.org (publisher)

book cover

Title: Ushikala pa nsaka takula mu mano

Subtitle: Common Bemba proverbs to understand the art of living

Author: Frank Carey & FENZA Publication Team

Publisher: FENZA

Publication date: July 2021

ISBN: 978-9982-18-129-7

Extent: 408 pages.

Format: 15.24cm x 22.86cm (6" x 9")

Binding: Paperback (US Trade Paper)

Distribution in Zambia: FENZA,
Catholic Bookshop

Distribution international: www.amazon.com/dp/9982181297

List price: 18.00 US$

Price in Zambia: 200 Kwacha